Feature Stories
UPDATED: Perfect Attendance = Free Bicycles
General Allen rewards 19 kids at end of school year.
General Charme Allen Welcomes Delegation from Republic of Georgia
Eastern European Delegates receive a first-hand look at America’s criminal justice system.
DA Allen Unveils New Citizens Academy
Citizens to receive first-hand look at the role of a prosecutor.
Assistant DA Willie Santana Receives MLK, Jr. Award for Service & Advocacy
Morristown Task Force on Diversity hosted celebration on January 18th.
Perfect Attendance = Free Bicycles
42 Maynard Elementary students achieve perfect attendance.
Career Prosecutor Bill Crabtree Receives Patrick H. McCutchen Award
Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference bestows honor at Annual Conference in Chattanooga.
Profiles in Courage – In Recognition of Our Military Veterans
While we know that words cannot adequately express our enduring appreciation, in recognition of Veteran’s Day, we extend a huge “THANK YOU” to all Veterans of the Armed Forces, including…
Administrative Officer Sam Bounds Takes HonorAir Trip to D.C.
Vietnam Veterans receive opportunity to tour monuments built in their honor
New streamlined Expungement process to benefit citizens with Knox County criminal records
DA Announces Attendance Reward Program
Bicycle Give-A-Way/Truancy Reduction Initiative Kicks-Off at Maynard Elementary School
Knoxville Bar Foundation Inducts DA Charme Allen Into 2015 Fellows Class
Non-profit raises $24,000 for deserving local organizations
Community Affairs Unit Launches PROJECT L.E.A.D.
DA crime prevention program targets youth
ADA Del Holley Receives Duncan Award for Senior Advocacy
Award Ceremony & Reception held May 7th at Hunter Valley Farm
Supporting the Victim Life Photo Bill
Joan Berry and District Attorney General Charme Allen Write Guest Column for KNS
District Attorney’s Office Partners with UT College of Law
Intern Program expanding to other law schools
General Charme Allen Hosts Legislative Luncheon
DA’s Conference proposes legislation to local lawmakers
Knox County DA’s Office Sponsors Visit from Josh Marquis
Death penalty expert shares insights
DAG Charme Allen Announces Formation of New Community Affairs Unit
Tough on Crime, Smart on Prevention
Longtime District Attorney General Randall E. Nichols Retires Leaving Behind an Era of Justice and Service
Legacy of leadership continues
Charme P. Allen Sworn in as First Female District Attorney General in Knox County
Citizens and elected officials witness historic ceremony