DA Announces Attendance Reward Program

District Attorney General Charme Allen is pleased to announce a new Attendance Reward Program where the DA’s Office Community Affairs Unit will provide new bicycles and helmets for students at Maynard Elementary School who have achieved perfect attendance for the fall or spring semesters of the 2015-2016 school year.  General Allen announced the program to excited students, teachers, and staff at an assembly at Maynard Elementary on Friday, August 21, at 1:45 P.M.   Maynard Elementary Principal Kim Cullom and Former Knoxville Mayor/Current City Councilman Daniel Brown also spoke to the students to encourage them to excel in school and strive for perfect attendance.  Our Office’s Truancy Coordinator Robin Jones and Community Affairs Coordinator Jackie Myers jointly helped General Allen launch the program.

As part of the Truancy Reduction Initiative, the new Attendance Reward Program will hopefully create an incentive for students and give them a goal to reach throughout the year.  Evidence shows that students who regularly come to class and complete their education are far less likely to enter the criminal justice system.  Missing even one day of school can be detrimental to students.  This new program rewards students who go above and beyond the normal attendance policy.

The pilot program will be limited to students at Maynard Elementary but will hopefully expand to other schools in the future.  Anyone interested in donating to the Attendance Reward Program can contact Community Affairs Coordinator

For more information about our Community Affairs Unit, click here.

If you have any questions regarding the Community Affairs Unit, please contact the Community Affairs Director at dag@knoxcounty.org. or 865-215-2515.