Citizens Academy Committee Leads Second Successful Academy Class

For the second year in a row, the collaborative efforts of our Citizens Academy Committee Members have led to another successful Academy Class.  The Committee, pictured above, includes (from left) Assistant DA Sean McDermott, Assistant DA Kevin Teeters, Victim/Witness Coordinator Patty Boardwine, Assistant Victim/Witness Coordinator Susan Forbes, Assistant DA Nate Ogle, Assistant Victim/Witness Coordinator Lauren Lynam, Community Affairs Director Emily Scheuneman, Assistant DA Sarah Keith, Assistant DA Joe Welker, and Executive Assistant Jackie Myers.  These 10 Team Justice Members tirelessly prepared an interactive 7-week course during September and October for the 32 Knox County Citizens who participated in the DA’s Office Citizens Academy

As volunteers on this Committee, they worked after hours each week to provide an exciting and informative experience for our Academy Members.  Each evening the Committee held a reception to welcome the Academy Members, offering them time to network, eat, and socialize with one another.  General Charme Allen, the Committee Members, and other Team Justice Staff Members then gave presentations throughout the course which touched on the following emerging trends and other not-so-glamorous topics within the criminal justice system: Fact vs. Fiction, Criminal Justice Overview, Gang Prosecution, Drug Prosecution & Opioid Epidemic, Cyber Safety, Human Trafficking, Sentencing and Appeals, and Victims’ Services/Rights.  The highlight of the Academy was the domestic violence case State v. Treefox that the Academy Members prosecuted and defended in a mock trial with the assistance of several of our Committee Members.  Other Staff Members graciously (and might we add hilariously) portrayed the witnesses who testified during the trial.

On Tuesday, October 17, 2017 the Academy Members enjoyed their final evening in the Academy with a reception and graduation ceremony wherein each member was recognized and received a certificate from General Allen. We congratulate all of the graduates of the DA’s Office 2nd Annual Citizens Academy and appreciate them for their interest in an exclusive look behind the scenes of our Office!  We are also especially grateful for our 10 Team Justice Members who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to provide exceptional service to our Citizens Academy Members each year.  They truly personify the definition of outstanding public servants!